Excel Templates

Meeting Notes Tracker

Capturing notes during project meetings and distributing them out quickly after the meeting ends is not only extremely important, but is also very challenging.

My goals for this template were:

  • Allow for the easy capture of discussions during meetings. Including the timestamp, the person speaking, and the topic.
  • Allow for the discussion to be summarized post-meeting.
  • Once the meeting has been summarized, provide for the ability to refresh a pivot sheet that would provide: Meeting Details, Participants, Topics Discussed, Meeting Summary, and the Full Meeting Minutes
  • Once the details of the meeting have been pivoted, present the data in the pivots so that the spreadsheet can be distributed as-is or used to compose a “Meeting Minutes” email.

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Daily Time Tracker

I originally built this spreadsheet to simply track the hours that I was working on various projects. It grew from there! Today, this spreadsheet can be used to:

  • Track the amount of time you have worked during the day. Including the amount of time that you have either forecasted or charged to a project or a time off balance.
  • Provide you with a historical reference for meetings.
  • Keep you on track with tasks that you need to complete. Including tasks that have a daily reoccurrence.
  • Goals that you want to accomplish.
  • Provide you with a visual representation of your time off balances.
  • Provide you with a holiday reference.

Some people probably ask: “Andy! Isn’t this overkill? Why not simply use Outlook for reference?” The reason I like having a separate list of meetings outside of Outlook is simply because often meetings get re-cycled. Therefore, I lose the historical reference.

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Date Extraction and Conversion Tool

Scenario: You’re provided a document that contains dates in various formats:

  • Jun 1-8
  • 8-Jun
  • Jun 9-10
  • Jun 12-10

You want to be able to create a list of start and end dates:

Start date End date
6/1/2020 6/8/2020
6/8/2020 6/8/2020
6/9/2020 6/10/2020
6/12/2020 6/13/2020
This template will help you achieve that goal.

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Meeting Attendance Tracker

When you’re running a project call and taking notes on your own, it can be easy to forget to capture attendance for the call. Thankfully, if you’re using Skype for Business, at the end of the call you can usually find a message in your Conversation history of Outlook that will contain all of the attendees. Using this, you can build a meeting attendance report that can be combined with my Meeting Notes Tracker template (above).

This spreadsheet is also great if you simply need to get a person’s name or email address out of an Outlook Address Book format (i.e. Last, First M <

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Call Volume & Trending Issues Tracker

This template was developed to allow someone who is tracking calls to a Service Desk during a project rollout to report volume at a high level and to easily add additional reporting points to track issues that emerge.

This template also provides a chart that can be used to chart deployment numbers alongside Service Desk volume and call drivers.

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Project Task Tracker

I created this task tracker before I had access to Microsoft Project. I needed a way to track the lifecycle of a project and all of the updates for the various tasks that were associated with the project. Excel, once again, came to my rescue. Now that I do have access to Microsoft Project, I have to say I still prefer the way this spreadsheet allows me to capture status updates for the project and each task. I can very easily drill-down to the latest updates and copy/paste those updates into an email.

This spreadsheet provides:

  • The ability to track tasks by Category, Team, Team Member, or Site.
  • Determine which Category, Team, Team Member, or Site has the heaviest workload.
  • See a timeline of projected vs actual start and end dates.

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Wage Calculator by Service Time

This spreadsheet was created to demonstrate how to determine a value (in this example, an employee’s wage) based on two values (in this example, employee service time range start and end days) that are housed within two columns.

This spreadsheet provides:

  • The Roles and Wages by Service Time sheet provides a location to enter wages for a role based on service time start and end days. For example, if you want to track how much an employee should make between Day 1 through Day 30 vs Day 31 through Day 60, you will populate that information on this sheet. Additionally, if that wage is the maximum for the role you can capture that here using the “Wage Cap” column.
    • This sheet also provides a mini-calculator that allows you to select the role (drop-down list pulls from the “Roles (Pivot)” sheet) and enter the number of days on the job to determine the current wage.
  • The Roles (Pivot) sheet is simply a pivot of the “Role” column of the “Roles and Wages by Service Time” sheet. If you add more than three roles to the latter sheet, be sure to refresh this pivot.
  • The Calculator sheet allows you to select the employee’s role (drop-down list pulls from the “Roles (Pivot)” sheet) and enter their start date to determine the following:
    • Length of Service
    • The Service Time Range (for example 1 – 30 days)
    • The employee’s current wage, which is based on the Service Time Range.
    • Is the employee eligible for a wage increase? If yes: When? What is the new wage? What’s the difference between the old wage and the new wage?

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Three Month Request Report


The manager of the IT Support Requests department asked for a report they can use to review with their team as well as other managers. The ticketing system they use is barebones and doesn’t have great reporting capabilities. The best it can do is show how many tickets are in a queue. Which is a start, but not enough.


The manager wanted the report to answer the following questions:

  • How many requests are being submitted each month of a three-month period?
  • What are the most common request types?
  • How many requests can our team review each month?
  • How many people are reviewing requests each month?
  • How many days on average does it take our team to process requests?
  • What are the top reasons we reject requests?
  • Who on our team is handling the bulk of the requests?
  • Do we have any repeat requestors?
  • What does our backlog look like?

The manager also provided the following limitations:

  • Data in the report must be constrained to a single presentation slide. Must leave enough room to accommodate corporate branding at the top and bottom of the slide. Data must be able to speak for itself. Slide is occasionally sent out without a meeting.
  • VBA and macros are not allowed due to corporate security concerns.
  • Spreadsheet must be re-usable each reporting period. Must be as easy as importing the data and refreshing.

How to Use:

  • The Requests sheet provides a location for the IT Support Requests Team to copy their raw data to. The blue headered columns will contain the raw data. The green headered columns are the calculation columns needed for the report.
  • Once the data has been added to the Requests sheet, the team member compiling the report will need to navigate to the 3-MNTH REQ RPT Builder Once there they will need to refresh the data and select the three applicable months from the Request Submit Month and Request Review Month
  • After three months have been selected, the team member can review the compiled report on the 3-MNTH REQ RPT sheet. If everything appears correct they can then highlight the applicable cells then copy and paste into PowerPoint (or their preferred presentation tool).

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