Who is Andy Melton?
Hailing from “the middle of nowhere” East Tennessee (Lancing, Tennessee, to be exact). Andy had ambitions and dreams! He wanted to bust out of the confines of the middle of nowhere and explore the world, at least the United States!
In 2010, Andy moved to Boise, ID to be with his partner Erich and their cat Shadow. While living in Boise, many trips were made to explore the Pacific Northwest (many photos from those adventures can be viewed in Andy’s photo albums).
In 2019, Andy and Erich decided that while Boise is an amazing place to live, they wanted to move to Oregon so they can be closer to one of their favorite vacation destinations, Bend, Oregon! As well as to be closer to the Oregon Coast! In the Fall of 2019, they hit The Oregon Trail (also known as Interstate 84) and settled in the scenic Willamette Valley in Salem, Oregon. Salem has become home to them. Keeping them safe during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
While Andy hates the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none” that is exactly what he is. The trades in which Andy considers himself a “Jack” include: Blogging, Photography, Web Site Design, Data Analysis and Report Creation, Project Management, Network and System Administration, Cooking and Cleaning, Application Development, and Technical Writing (just to name a few).
What Andy hopes to achieve with this website is to give you an insight into who he is as a person, to share knowledge that he has learned and believes is valuable to others, to showcase his capabilities and accomplishments for any future employment opportunities, and to share some photos of his travel, culinary, decorating, crafting, and other adventures!